Vacation rental management is now an established way of property management in Crete and in Chania. The vast advancement of property sharing, short term renting and Airbnb had led into an enormous increase in property management companies all over Chania. In this article we will show you the 3 most famous ways a company can help your villa and property thrive in the competitive market of tourism in Chania.
An increased amount of bookings also means an increased amount of revenue turned back to you as the property owner, and this is the paramount goal of PAFOS-IKE as well. Delivering value to the customer was always our primary goal, and many of our clients can certify that. According to our work ethics and the way we work as a team we have compiled the three main ways our company is delivering better results and completing the goals we set with the customers.

Thriving through partnerships.
Over the last years, we have built a big and reliable network of partnerships. Those partnerships help us open new potential markets and search for clients with a better median spending habit, resulting in better overall revenue to the villas and hotels we have marketing contracts with. One big part of our partnerships comes from Europe and Russia, as our parent company Kyriakidis (specializing in construction) have built solid relationships due to the high quality building standards it has over 30 years of construction.
Partnerships can also help us broaden the tourism calendar for every property we manage, as different nations have different tastes into the season they decide to travel for vacation in Crete. We could say that the more partnerships we have created and still create, the merrier as we expand into new markets, new potential customers and new-next era- visions on the tourism industry altogether.
Property Management Companies: The ace in hand.
One can obviously try to rent his home or luxury villa short term in one of the many famous booking websites they exist. However property management companies can help your home, villa or hotel achieve a lot , lot more as they have exclusive co- operations with agencies, tour operators and many times close connections with individuals that want to rent (short-or long- term) something in your area.
Property Management companies usually have collaboration with tourism experts in other countries and have established a huge network of affiliates in order to help each other with bookings, inquiries and offer best, fast and reliable value to the customer.
By having a rental management / property management company you can achieve more by taking advantage of the said partnerships. You will gain faster booking times, occasionally better quality of bookings and you can save money at the same time as commision usually is less -or even zero at same cases- in comparison with traditional villa booking sites. We insist that you do take advantage of relationships, partnerships and contracts that property management companies have achieved over the years and help boost your bookings even more.
Moreover, you should bear in mind that increased collaborations with tour agencies abroad, other property management companies, and individuals all mean an increased possibility for bookings to your property. We tend to describe every collaboration as a different marketing funnel for the final promotion of your property. You, as our beloved client, can rest assured that because of the number of partnerships, we differentiate from the simple villa booking site and we can – in practise- deliver to you better results.

Villa Property Managers- Providing you years of expertise.
In contrast to the regular booking sites all over Crete, property management firms like PAFOS – IKE have an extensive network of experts in marketing that can deliver the best results for every individual property they manage. This is regularly a service that you pay extra (i.e. higher commision) in the normal booking sites as they have limited resources for the amount of properties they manage.
However, at reputable property management companies we have a more exclusive and secluded network of properties we manage and we can focus our efforts into those, getting the best results. As a matter of fact, how successful we are has to do also with the salary we end up getting at the end of the month.
Thus, our experts are constantly trying to offer the best and most humane approach possible when looking for potential markets and in addition to the marketing expertise, we can finally get you the best potential outcome.
To finalize, we can certainly say that our multitudinous sales and marketing team knows where , when , how and to whom it has to propound your property, for the best results of both sides, you as an owner, and us as the collaborator.